Customer’s attitude before virtual reality marketing introduces itself
“Keep quiet, Karen!” Mr. Joel was furious at the continuous pleading of his little child to get their first new car. With all the stories that Karen has been hearing of his friends regarding their adventure trips on weekends, hiking, and more, Karen badly needs a car to enjoy trips with his parents and siblings. He has been bugging his father for it for a long time.
Mr. Joel had a phobia for cars ever since he got injured in his childhood due to a terrible car accident. He dreaded cars ever since and tried to keep his family away from it. Hence all of Karen’s pleas are in vain.
Alligator, the new car brand launches its gaming app for marketing
Angry and upset with his Dad’s response, Karen took his phone to play a video game. He wanted to try out a new game and hence searched for new gaming apps. His fingers stopped scrolling upon coming across a virtual reality gaming app that promised a 5D experience of a car ride with the family. “Awesome!” he exclaimed, wore a pair of 5D goggles that he coincidentally borrowed from his friend out of curiosity, and bumped into the game with enthusiasm.
How virtual reality marketing gives the customer a feel of the real product
There stood a car with its door open, welcoming Karen. Karen boarded it and vroom! It took off! He drove off into a fantastic children’s amusement park loaded with a lot of special-themed roller coaster rides. There are beautiful gardens along the way. With his car along, he could take multiple drives all around the park with ease. Hoo la! Sometimes he would see some playful monkeys come close to him to snatch his cap, and sometimes he would nearly get drenched in the water splashes that decorated the boundary of the garden. It is his first driving experience, and it’s just amazing!
This thrilling 5D experience got Karen all the more determined to get a car. He resolved to convince his Dad that even while leading an eco-friendly lifestyle, a car is still a bare necessity and not a luxury in a state where public transport is uncommon. This time, he began to wait for the opportunity to take his Dad through the mock ride so that he could convince him to buy.
Virtual reality marketing changes the customer’s opinion
The day finally came! It was Mr. Joel’s birthday. The family dined together, and Karen surprised his Dad with a new pair of 5D goggles that he purchased with his pocket money. He gifted them to his Dad and asked him to play a game with him. “It is just a game, Dad!” Mr. Joel unwillingly agreed. Karen was beyond all excitement. Click! The app went open again. There stood the brand new fancy car welcoming the father-son duo for a drive. Mr. Joel could see himself reluctantly boarding it, wanting to hug his son while the car was driving them along. Though the surrounding attractions did not excite him much, he noticed the drive was smooth and comfortable, and he realized that a safe ride is in our hands, after all.
“How did you like my birthday gift, Dad?” Asked Karen. “That’s so realistic and full of fun! Thank you, my dear Karen. However, I wish your Mom and sis came along with us on the virtual drive!” “Right, Dad! However, it would be more exciting to take them along on a real drive.”
“I know your intention, you clever boy!” Mr. Joel laughed. “No worries, we shall get a new car very soon!”

How does virtual reality marketing influence the customer?
While online marketing services mostly help to introduce the brand to the customer in theory, virtual reality marketing gives the customer a semi-practical experience of using the product. Like in the story above, it provides the customer with a face-to-face interaction with the product, which has a lasting impression on the mind. Some brands have used this strategy successfully in the past.
Through this marketing strategy, digital marketing services allow a customer to get a demonstration of the product without directly coming in contact with it. In this way, the customer gets convinced of the genuineness of the product too. It is easier to get a conversion once the user gets an impression through personal experience.